Use Autos To Chase Bull (11 October 1914)


Ten Policemen Terrorize New York East Side Before Animal Is Killed

From the New York Sun.

A big black bull broke out of a pen in a Sulzberger packing house yesterday and ran like mad from Forty—fifth street and First avenue to Seventy—fifth street and Avenue A before one of the 30 shots fired by policemen laid him low. There were eight automobiles in the chase after the bull, ten policemen, and a dozen cattle herders, while hundreds of persons scampered out of the animal’s way and two were bowled over in the street.

Patrolman Thomas Kelly, who was first helping school children to cross First avenue commandeered an automobile and started in pursuit as the bull went past him. Other patrolmen joined the chase in commandeered cars. Patrolman Warren F. Keating at Fifty—sixth street and First avenue took up the chase in a car belonging to a well—dressed woman who took great delight in the adventure.

At the Fifty—ninth street entrance to the Queensboro bridge the bull charged for the public market. Men shouted and women screamed. This frightened the bull and he changed his course up First avenue again where passing under the bridge approach at Sixtieth street, he knocked down a young man who rolled half—way across the street. At Seventy—first street, a pushcart laden with fruit and a woman were knocked down. At Seventy—fifth street, the pursuing machines caught up with the animal. Patrolman Keating led the policemen in firing at the animal. One bullet found its way to the bull’s brain and he fell dead.

Source: Use Autos To Chase Bull, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 11 October 1914, p. 4 (Second Section).

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