Naval Officer Missing (10 August 1914)


Lieut. Comdr. Keating Disappears From Warship at Vera Cruz.

Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 9–A cablegram received today by Harry W. Keating from Rear Admiral Badger at Vera Cruz, announced that Mr. Keating’s brother, Lieut. Comdr. Arthur B. Keating, was missing from the battleship Arkansas, and it was thought he had drowned.

On the second day of the fighting at Vera Cruz last April Lieut. Comdr. Keating commanded the marines from the battleships Florida and Arkansas. He was commended for signal bravery during the siege. He was 35 years old.

Source: Naval Officer Missing, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 10 August 1914, p. 4.

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