Lewis E. Rummer
Services will be conducted Saturday at 3:30 p. m. at the home of the father-in-law, John F. Counihan, 866 Maryland avenue, for Lewis E. Rummer, who died yesterday afternoon at the Maryland State Hospital, Sabillasville. Mr. Rummer resided with his father-in-law.
The Rev. Edward P. Heinze, pastor of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran church, will officiate at the services.
Surviving Mr. Rummer are his widow, Mrs. Teresa A. (Counihan) Rummer; five children, Lewis E. Jr., John, Robert, Mary and Theresa Ann Rummer, at home; his mother, Mrs. Bertha May Rummer, Wiley Ford, W. Va.; three brothers, James Rummer, Delaware; Walter Rummer, Cumberland, and Merle Rummer, overseas; three sisters, Mrs. Charles Hall and Mrs. Irvin Breighner, Wiley Ford, and Mrs. Frank Lanam, Cumberland.
Source: Lewis E. Rummer, Cumberland Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland, 21 September 1944, Second Section, p 1.