Personal Notes (24 October 1902)

Personal Notes


Mr. Thaddeus Keating, of Philipsburg was calling upon his old friends here last week. Mr. Keating is a son of Mr. Thomas Keating, who constructed  the Huntingdon and Broad Top railroad from Hopewell to Everett.

Source: Personal Notes, Bedford Gazette, Bedford, Pennsylvania, 24 October 1902, p. 1.

2 Replies to “Personal Notes (24 October 1902)”

  1. From the Tyrone Herald November 20, 1913 page 2

    THAD S KEATING A Member of Tyrone Elks Dead at Osceola – Thad S Keating of Osceola a former resident of Phillipsburg, one of the best known railroad men in central Pennsylvania died at 4 o’clock Tuesday morning at sanitarium in Philipsburg to which institution he was taken on Sunday last suffering from a bad attack of Brights disease and which was the cause of his death. He had been seriously ill only about two weeks. The deceased was born in Columbia, Lancaster county in this state on August 5 1843 making his age 60 years 3 months and when a young man, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Owens whose death occurred some years ago when the family resided in Philipsburg. Five children were born to this union but only one, Mrs John Wayne of Os ceola survives. Mr. Keating was for many years a P R R engineer employed most of the time on the Tyrone and non branches. He had the reputation of being a very careful and efficient engineer. He was a gentleman of marked intelligence and
    wrote much for the press on moral questions or subjects of timely interest. When a mere boy he enlisted in the Union army and served two and a half years as a member of Company M 22 Pennsylvania Cavalry receiving an honorable discharge. In addition to being a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, he was a member of the Tyrone lodge of Elks. He was a member of the Catholic church and his courteous gentlemanly demeanor won for him a large circle of friends who will learn of his death with profound sorrow. The funeral will take place from the Osceola Catholic church morning at ten o’clock.

  2. Hello Keatings!

    I am a historical researcher who is interested in the Thaddeus and Thomas Keating family, and specifically their lives during their residency in Columbia, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

    I am presently researching the neighborhood where the Keating family lived in Columbia.

    Perhaps, I can offer some assistance and new information about their life in Columbia.

    Specifically, I am searching for any information about Thomas Keating, the father of Thaddeus Keating.

    Thank you very much!

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