Florist Named Postmaster
“The florists of America have been recognized in the appointment of William F. Keating as postmaster of Buffalo,” said William J. Edwards, a prominent lawyer of the Bison City, at the New Willard. “‘Billy’ Keating has for years been a leading wholesale florist of Buffalo. Besides being a florist, Keating was a politician. The story that lies back of Keating’s appointment is interesting.
“There are three Democratic congressmen from Buffalo. ‘Dan’ Driscoll, one of the members, wanted the job of postmaster, but the other two members did not want him. The battle raged furiously, with the opponents of Driscoll–Gittins and Smith–fighting him at every point. Keating was appointed postmaster, and Keating left Washington with the precious document naming him in his position.”
Source: Florist Named Postmaster, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 18 January 1914, p. 4 (Second Part).