Murder For Revenge (1905)


Minstrel, Thwarted in Love, Kills Rival and Commits Suicide

Elmira, N. Y. Feb. 23 – Edward Keating, a minstrel, shot and killed James Fulford on the streets of Corning to night and then committed suicide by taking carbolic acid. Fulford and his wife had been spending their evening out and were on their way home. Keating approached the couple and when within a few feet of them drew a revolver and shot Fulford in the neck, the bullet severing the jugular vein. Keating ran and was caught by a policeman but not before he had swallowed a fatal drought of carbolic acid. The officer took him back to the scene of his crime and he died beside his victim in a near-by store. Fulford recently married Mabel Preston and Keating accused him of stealing his girl.

Source: Murder For Revenge, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 24 February 1905, p. 1.

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