John Counihan (c.May 1854 – 23 March 1925)

Former Resident Dies in Philadelphia, PA

Frostburg, Md., March 25 – John Counihan, aged 71 years, a former well known resident of this place, died Monday evening in Philadelphia at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Katie McGrath. His body will be brought to the home of another daughter, Mrs. James Kenney, West Main street. The funeral will be held at an hour to be announced later in St. Michael’s Catholic Church. Interment will be in the church cemetery.

Mr. Counihan is survived by the following children: Mrs. James Kenney, this place; Mrs. Katie McGrath, of Philadelphia; Reverand Mother Imaculate, Superior of the local Ursuline Convent; Jeremiah and John, of Cumberland. He leaves two brothers, Patrick and Joseph Counihan, and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Donahue, Mrs. Margaret Zeveily, all of Wheeling, W. Va.

Source: Former Resident Dies in Philadephia, PA, Cumberland Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland, 25 March 1925, p. 10.

John Counihan married the first Keating of my line born in the United States, Catherine Elizabeth Keating. Catherine was the sister of my great-grandfather, John William Keating.

3 Replies to “John Counihan (c.May 1854 – 23 March 1925)”

  1. Hi – My name is George Counihan. John Counihan was my GG uncle. I am descended from his brother Thomas. I did quite a bit of family research back in the dark ages (late 70’s early 80’s) Pre internet – so I’m constantly amazed what folks can find at the touch of a button that took me weeks! I recently had a stone erected in St. Michael’s at the Counihan plot. I included his father Jeremiah and several of John’s siblings on the stone but now realize I should have included John, as he seems to be no where else in the cemetery. I will attempt to have his name added. Any further info you may have would be great and of course if I can be of any assistance I would be glad to help. I am retiring soon and look forward to having the time to resume this Many thanks for posting this

  2. Also quite interested in Mrs. Margaret Zeveily (mentioned in the obit as a sister) No history of that name in my records. Any info greatly appreciated Thanks

  3. There is a great Counihan family picture on Gary Popp’s Growing up in Western Maryland facebook page today, Jan 2, 2021
    John and Catherine with the children, my grandmother Mary Elizabeth, Uncle Jerry Counihan, etc. In front of the family store.

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