Baby Boy Serio1

b. 21 July 1970, d. 21 July 1970

Relationship=1st cousin of John William Keating III.
     Baby Boy Serio died on 21 July 1970 at South Baltimore General Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.2,3 He was born on 21 July 1970 at Anne Arundel County, Maryland, USA.4,3

Last Edited=10 Jul 2007


  1. [S76] Kathryn Agnes (Keating) Serio, "FGS for J.A.Serio and K.A.Keating", Includes:
    1) Family Group Sheet
    2) Envelope, "[Child:] Baby Boy Serio."
  2. [S76] Kathryn Agnes (Keating) Serio, "FGS for J.A.Serio and K.A.Keating", Includes:
    1) Family Group Sheet
    2) Envelope, "Died:] 7/21/71, South Balto Genl Hosp."
  3. [S115] Interview, Various Informants, 18 July 2004, "1970."
  4. [S76] Kathryn Agnes (Keating) Serio, "FGS for J.A.Serio and K.A.Keating", Includes:
    1) Family Group Sheet
    2) Envelope, "Born: 7/21/71, AA Co."