Dublin Keatings: 1833 Dublin Freeman’s Journal Advertisement

An extra entry for today, as I’ve made mention of it in the past. In the 1830 Wilson’s Dublin Directory is listed an “Eliza Keating”, teacher. I found an advertisement of hers within The Freeman’s Journal, a newspaper published in Dublin at the time.


MRS. KEATING begs leave to announce to her Friends and the Public, that her Pupils resumed their studies on the 2d inst.

In justice to her own feelings, Mrs. K. cannot forgo the present opportunity of returning her most sincere thanks for the very distinguished preference with which her School has been so kindly favoured. She can only say, that is promoting the several objects of useful and ornamental education, in cultivating the morals and improving the manors of those young Ladies who are now or shall be hereafter intrusted to her care, no exertions nor even parental vigilance shall be wanting on her part.

The system of Education includes the English, French, and Italian Languages, Music, Drawing, Dancing, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Globes, with every branch of useful and ornamental works.

Terms as usual, extremely moderate. No Vacation.

Seminary for Young Ladies [Advertisement]. (1833, January 5). The Freeman’s Journal, p. 2. Dublin, Ireland.

The Eliza Keating mentioned in the directory is especially interesting to me. One of my family’s “primary sources” for our history was written by my immigrant ancestor’s daughter, Agnes Keating, who wrote of her great-grandmother, “My father’s grandmother was Elizabeth Kilmartin, a music teacher trained by the Sisters of Mercy, Dublin, Ireland.” Elizabeth’s husband, John C. Keating, “was born in Dublin, Ireland. A teacher. He was taken away from his home at night and never seen again. He was trained by the S.J’s.” Although I don’t yet know whether this Elizabeth Keating was my g-g-g-g-grandmother, she certainly bears keeping an eye on. Starting a boarding school would have been one way for a teacher to support herself upon the disappearance and likely death of her husband.

The other “primary source” for my family’s history was written by my immigrant ancestor’s son, Thomas Keating. In it he mentions that, “on account of the coercive laws of England they had no schools at that time, and as a result [his parents] had no education.” It saddens me to think that over the course of two generations, my ancestors went from apparently (if this is indeed my Elizabeth) well-educated to unschooled.

Some questions:

  1. When Elizabeth was obtaining her own education from the Sisters of Mercy, where in Dublin would she have gone?
  2. Similarly, when John C. was getting his training from the S.J.’s (Society of Jesus, I.e., the Jesuits), where in Dublin would his training have been?

[Note to self. Look in the Dublin Almanacks and Directories to determine where these orders had facilities in Dublin from the late 18th century to early 19th.]

One Reply to “Dublin Keatings: 1833 Dublin Freeman’s Journal Advertisement”

  1. Interested with the keating genealogy although im not sure of my keating descendant Garrett keaton he had a son Nicholas keating I think he was from county Wexford but moved to Nova Scotia in the early 1800’s…he would be my ggggg grandfather…Thats all i know not sure how many kids he had or his wifes name…

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